Monday, October 8, 2012


This seems like a neat project.

It could be fun to do a "how to lie with" section that gets at some of the ways visual representations can be used to inauthenticate data as well. 

And here is one of my favorite sites that has lots of infographics...


Foucault~Foucault~Foucault! I like it already...

Non- ideological forms of though?  I would be interested to see where you end up with this. 

I think you may like Donna Haraway's idea of situated knowledges.,%20Situated%20Knowledges.pdf

~Mr. Brian~

We spoke the other day about this McKenna lecture where he discuses a metaphor for dimensionality and slices of dimensions using a sand dune and wind.  Here is that lecture, starts around 3 minutes.

I was thinking about your project the other day and some of our other conversations and adventures in ideas and I had an Aha! moment about what your were saying the other day about causality and synchronicity, I realized that its like a holographic chaos theory without causality where any happening is a lower dimensional slice of the whole thing, the scattering of the leaves is a psychoid to my inner sentiments as well as a metaphor for the entire universe and my and our situation in it. 

Also I dig Eckhart Tolle

Conversation is the whole point of life for Gadamer and he has an idea of the fusing or horizons as the process of making contact...

Relational power Mmm Foucault in process...

I like the idea of a wiki for personal philosophy and think that it could be a really neat venture in the recognition of situated knowledge also keep in mind the digital divide. 

McKenna has some neat ideas about Whiteheads Extensive Continuum

I agree we are all in some sense metaphysicians...

With Kubler-Ross are you discussing death?

"The primary task of any entity may be boundary maintenance."
Negotiation of contact boundaries in gestalt is a constant...

I got lost in the words but I believe I have some semblance of an idea of what you are talking about and wanting to do your project on and you know what you need to do to in order for the process to concress  in order to have a sense of satisfaction...

If the holographic post-causal chaos theory holds up then any one specific thing you talk about will also inadvertently address the whole scope of the cosmology and it will be only insofar as people already get it that they will actually get it...


Sounds like a cool project!  I need to get you that packet of papers soon!  I think you may also find Sushi Science Hamberger Science by Motokawa useful.  I have been reading recently about the I Ching and Terence McKenna supposes that the east focused on time like we have focused on space and that this shows within the I Ching which is hugely influential for most all eastern thought.  There is a really good book by John Searle Mind: a brief introduction that romps through many of the current theories of mind and mind/body philosophy.